The film “Limitless” begins with struggling fiction writer Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) having a chance encounter with Vernon (Johnny Whitworth), his former brother-in-law and a onetime coke dealer who now claims to be a pharmaceutical consultant. Wanting to help Eddie with his writer’s block, Vernon gives him a sample unregulated drug called NZT, which allows its users to take advantage of 100 percent of their brain. Popping the pill, Eddie goes from average Joe to Good Will Hunting in thirty seconds, finishing his novel and then setting his sights on amassing a great fortune in the stock market, a meteoric rise that puts him on the radar of Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro), a titan of the energy industry who wants to utilize Eddie’s genius thinking to aid in a very difficult merger with another industry giant. Along the way, Eddie must smooth things over with his on-again/off-again girlfriend Lindy (Abbie Cornish), deal with Gennady (Andrew Howard) the Russian gangster who provided him with start-up capital for his fortune, and figure out he’s going to get his next fix of NZT when his supply starts running low.
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All-Star Superman: The Right Man for the Job
Thanks to the fine folks at Suvudu, I had the opportunity to attend the world premiere of “All-Star Superman,” the tenth entry in the popular series of DC Universe Animated Original Movies, at the Paley Center. For the uninitiated, the film is based on the acclaimed limited comic series of the same name, written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Frank Quitely. Over the course of just twelve issues, Morrison and Quitely distill seventy-plus years of comics into one iconic opus to the Man of Steel as he embarks on a series of great feats and tasks while faced with the fact he’s dying, thanks to a diabolical – and successful – plot by arch nemesis Lex Luthor. To Superman fans, the comic series was a celebration of everything that made him, well, super.
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