
Franchise Explainer Vol. 3 - La Casa Edition

Franchise Explainer Vol. 3 - La Casa Edition

It was only a matter of time before we dived into the world of Italian film franchises. To kick things off, we’ll look at the storied La Casa film series, whose entries rarely had anything to do with each other many happened to be known as very different—and not always linked—films. Not one but two key U.S. horror film franchises contributed to the La Casa series. Here we go….

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The Life and Death of (Another) Superman

The Life and Death of (Another) Superman

Continuity. It’s such a loaded word for comic book fans, both a prime reason for the medium’s longevity and a bane to many readers. When telling stories about characters over the course of sixty or seventy years, the stories have to change. There’s no room for innovation otherwise. Marvel Comics has operated on sliding timeline, attempting to keep the most of their characters’ histories intact while fudging the details that just won’t work anymore as the decades go on. Their distinguished competition DC Comics has favored reboots, relaunching their characters with new origins. This method is ingrained in DC’s DNA, dating back to when a rebooted version of The Flash heralded the birth of the Silver Age of comics in 1956.

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Let There Be Trash – A Case for Mondo Trasho

Let There Be Trash – A Case for Mondo Trasho

Speaking at the New York premiere of the newly restored Multiple Maniacs last month, John Waters touched on the state of his first feature length film, Mondo Trasho. He said it would probably never be re-released because the music licensing would cost $750,000, and it’s not the first time he has made a statement like this. And every time I hear it, it’s a bummer. There’s an entire generation of Waters fans who have only seen VHS rips on YouTube or via torrents, and that’s a shame. These mediums are not suitable for an acclaimed director’s first film, nor are they exactly legal. Let’s get the fan entitlement out of the way. We’re not owed an official, restored release of Mondo Trasho.

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