About Us

From beyond ink and code emerges a feast of pop culture, literature, and all forms of art.

Originally founded in 2012 by writers Robbie Imes and Paul Florez, The Ink and Code went on extended hiatus in 2018. In 2021, Robbie and frequent site contributor Randall Lotowycz relaunched the site.

Our Mission

Born in the chaos of modern culture, The Ink and Code aims to give a voice to those who drink too much coffee, impersonate adults, and wear tight jeans to other people’s funerals.

The Ink and Code is a gorge-fest of literary and artistic accomplishment. We celebrate the awesome.

Submit your work. Spark a controversy. Drive your parents insane. Or just make someone smile.

The Ink and Code in the Wild

- from the theatrical trailer for Buster's Mal Heart, Well Go USA Entertainment

- from the theatrical trailer for Buster's Mal Heart, Well Go USA Entertainment

From the Blu-ray for Sacrifice, Shout Factory

From the Blu-ray for Sacrifice, Shout Factory